Are Bulldogs Hypoallergenic? Things Allergic Families Can Do

Getting a bulldog when you have loved ones that suffer from allergic reactions to animals is probably not a good idea. Hypoallergenic dogs might work for you and while bulldogs are family-friendly, cute and loyal, they aren’t going to do your family’s allergies any good.

If a bulldog is what you have really set your eyes on, you can go for crossbreeds. Many of those who have allergies to animals have found it easier to handle bulldog cross breeds. The purebred ones are known for their high-allergen production, making them less than ideal for people who are a bit on the sensitive side.

People are often drawn to the cuteness factor of bulldogs. This makes it more tragic when one cannot even interact with them because of allergies.  However, for most people that have animal allergies, the reaction is going to be the same no matter the breed. There are allergy medications though that may help keep things in check. Going for dogs that are known to be low-allergen might also help.

sleepy indoors bulldog

Animal Allergies — Understanding the Causes

When allergies to animals first came into light, people believed that the long-haired breed could be the problem which led more people to go for the shorter or no hair breed. You can only imagine the surprise of their life when they found out that even the short-haired or even the no-haired nature of their pets didn’t stop the allergy symptoms at all.

There are various breeds that may cause allergies because of shedding. While hair-shedding does have an effect on allergies, it’s not really the only factor that could trigger the symptoms. Facial pain, rashes, sneezing and coughing can also be triggered with the things that are attached to the actual loose hair. This could include mucus, urine, dead skin cells and saliva. Cats and dogs have certain proteins and various fluids in their skin. Majority of the allergic reactions are usually caused by these proteins.

Allergens in Bulldogs

Most of the people that would want to have a bulldog as a pet are attracted with their sagging skin and their usually grumpy expression and droopy face. As it turns out, these same attributes make them some of the worst pets an allergic person could ever have.

woman holding bulldog

The cute little folds that bulldogs have require some thorough every day cleaning in between to reduce the possibility of them developing skin problems and infections. This particular grooming need will only cause pet owners to get exposed to the dog’s allergens. Unfortunately, it shouldn’t be skipped since this is crucial to keep them in the best health.

The breed isn’t known for heavily shedding. Unfortunately, they shed all the time. For the allergic pet owner, this means he will be getting no break at all when the pet won’t shed and would be essentially allergen-free. Their short hair is also a disadvantage to the allergic pet owner too. Their hair size means they can get stuck in every nook and cranny so, getting rid of them is next to impossible. They can even float in the air so you’re never really free from any dander that could trigger your allergies.

If you have a bad case of animal allergy, it is best to give up on your dream of ever becoming a bulldog owner. Consider other breeds instead, the hypo-allergenic ones. You may not have the same dog with the same look and personality as a bulldog but you could at least enjoy their company minus the constant coughing and sneezing.