The Ideal Weight For Bodybuilding

Bodybuilders of today do not utilize the usual height-to-weight ratio guides since they are made for individuals who have lesser muscle. Since muscle is more substantial than the equal amount of fats, when you estimate your ideal body weight your BMI is likely in the normal where-as a bodybuilder would be obese.

Standards in Weight to Height Ratio for Bodybuilders

weight to height ratio

Weight-to-height guides or charts are specifically made to inform you of your ideal weight as a male bodybuilder, inch by inch. Weight increases by 5 – 10 lbs per inch. For example, if you are 5 feet and 7 inches tall, then your ideal weight is 170 pounds. If you are 5 feet and 8 inches tall, then it is 175 pounds, so on so forth. The ideal weight increases by five per pound until you get to 5”11. For a 6-footer, ideal weight jumps to 10 lbs (instead of 5), making their ideal weight 200 lbs.

Measuring Yourself the Right Way

Besides regularly checking the alignment of your ideal weight-to-height ratio, you should also check for the right muscle-to-bone ratio for your frame to determine if your weight comes from enough muscle and not fat. Check the measurements of your knee, pelvis, head, ankle, and wrist. For example, you can measure your wrist size and multiply it by 2.52 to see whether your arm size is ideal or not. Your waist should only be .86 of the size of your pelvis.

Another great example is measuring the circumference of your knee and multiply it by 1.75. The answer for such will then be the ideal size for the most significant part of your thigh. If you discover discrepancies, boost the amount of workout for that area or part of the body.

Shedding Off Some Weight

weight loss

Now, if you happen to weigh more than the ideal for your particular height, it’s best to focus on doing more cardio and cutting back on food portions. Include a 60 – to 90-minute moderate cardio exercise and decrease daily caloric intake by 500 – 1000 calories. You will know that you are doing your moderate cardio workout correctly if it doesn’t make talking too hard for you as you exercise while increasing your heart rate. Fantastic workout examples are swimming or hiking. The main goal here is to encourage a slow and healthy weight loss without overly stressing your body while not losing too much muscle. The ideal weekly weight loss is 1 – 2 pounds. Adjust your exercise or diet accordingly if you are losing too much or too less weekly.

Weight Maintenance

Follow through and make the right adjustments as you stick to your regimen. Always remember that your body depends on calories, too, to be able to maintain muscle mass. If you get to your ideal weight, it is recommended that you gradually decrease the duration and intensity of your exercise and increase caloric intake. Don’t underestimate the importance of weighing yourself regularly to check if you are gaining or losing weight the healthy way.

Final Thoughts

It is vital that you continuously compare height and weight measurements and make the necessary adjustments needed to be able to get the ideal built that you are aiming for. By applying these the provided guidelines and making sure that you are losing/gaining weight the healthy way, you will surely achieve optimal results!